Voice of AAMS as a Good Merchant service Provider #1

Today, I am very happy to introduce AAMS(AA Merchant Services).

As an official blog editor of the company, I have been waiting for an opportunity to write about why we are good merchant services providing company.

CEO shamed the writing on the blog about our proud of ourselves for the natural attitude we do our best for our customers.

However, the growing trend of disrupting the market with cunning number pranks is a really risky status for our customers struggling with inflation. So, I would like to briefly explain our business philosophy and service principles.


Yes, we have been providing merchant services for 15 years. As many of our customers grew together, we met many unexpected situations and solved them together. As a leading California FirstData Authorized agency, we have been working to balance the benefits of our customers with the cost of maintaining the quality of our service while driving the continued decline in card rates.

Management Philosophy and Service Principles

Success of Customer

No matter how good our service is, it means nothing without customers. Helping our customers grow is of the utmost importance.

Sincere Service

It's easy to rejoice in the growth of our customers, but we have to do our best as a family to help them solve their problems when they're having a hard time. Only then can our customers grow and our spirit of service can be maintained.


No matter how good the service spirit is, our service is also a business. If the company closes at a loss, it means nothing. We should always set a service fee that will provide quality service, not only in the first few months. A service fee higher than that means selfish greed, and a service fee lower than that means giving up responsibility for performing the service properly.

What's the problem these days?

The overflow of services without service

In recent months, some customers have given up being our customers. Some of them came back, but we couldn't help but be sad.

The fact that we moved to another service company due to the difference in card fees of less than $100 per month made us wonder if our service was insufficient. However, returning customers have informed us that this is not the case.

They said, "Since we are struggling with the numerous fees required by the new era, such as online orders and door dashes, I was deceived by the sales message to lower card fees. It seemed great, but they didn't or couldn't try to resolve issues as you did. I'm sorry."

We were happy. Not because of the growing number of customers, but because we have been able to keep believing that our principles are right.

The product is not perfect.

Many IT products are needed to run a business.

POS for card payment is a representative product. We also handle several POS. As online/mobile ordering increases, various devices are connected to internal/external networks, and the system configuration within the store is also becoming more complex. Workflows have become more complex, but most importantly, no human-made device or software is perfect.

Complex system configurations inevitably increase risk. To put it simply, if one device is used without a network, only one device can cause problems, but if three devices are connected to an internal/external network, it can cause problems in at least 5 places. Furthermore, if connected to a third-party service, doordash/otter, etc., each of those connected nodes also becomes a risk point.

Just two or three years ago, the technical challenges of small business were simple, but not anymore. Perhaps more third-party services will be needed in the future, so these problems will be difficult to reduce.

Problem-solving Ability

So who can solve these problems?

First of all, the business owner can do it. It is possible if you are an engineer with extensive IT knowledge, or if you are interested in studying. But everyone knows it's not easy. If so, is it a POS company? Perhaps the most ideal structure, but why not in reality? This is because POS companies exist only for their own POS. The reason it is difficult to find someone who has received a proper merchant service from a POS company that even provides merchant service is that they call a very limited service that does not damage their products within the network as a merchant service. Ultimately, a professional and genuine merchant service provider who can help and fight on the side of the merchant between imperfect skills and merchant success should be the most appropriate problem-solving agent. We do not have the authority to change the device or software themselves, but we do have the authority and responsibility to analyze the root of the problem, press the manufacturer, and help the Merchant's difficulties. But these days, it is very sad that companies that do not have the will or the ability to carry out the important responsibility of solving problems are disrupting the market, so the damage is only increasing. 

For customers who have been affected by similar hacking, we have collected related service companies to share the damage and minimize the damage to customers last year. Although no one had responsibility for the damage except the hacker, we participated in the pain sharing first and did a lot of effort to gather everyone's participation, and long persuasion worked. Of course, it doesn't always work, but we don't think our efforts are in vain.

Please Think about,

Don't trust humans, check the company's business philosophy and service principles. Don't focus on how nice the numbers and words someone presents are, but make sure they are really professional and sincere. Please do not make the merchant service provider a scapegoat just because the delivery services take the untouchable high fee. You can't turn off the refrigerator and eat rotten food just because your electricity bill is expensive, right?


We thought about how we can prevent merchants from the wrong choice, and decided to do a POS-free promotion. Although there is a big risk as much as we have to buy the devices in advance, we decided to only consider the advantage of reducing the burden of POS costs that customers periodically replace. It's an adventure, but we just hope that our efforts to avoid a situation where everyone is harmed by market disruptors are not in vain.

We, AAMS(AA Merchant Services) always trying to be a good merchant services provider. Endless research is one of the ways to improve our professionalism and to be a good merchant service provider.


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